alaafia nice to meet you
Alaafia interwebs community. I have never taken the time to introduce myself here on this platform, and I want to take a moment to do so. As our worlds continue to unravel around and within us, it feels generative to have human connections and remember that humans are on the other side of the screen.
Here's a little more about me:
I am the descendant and kin of peoples from West Africa and the British and Irish Isles by way of Alabama, Ohio, and Kentucky.
I am a parent of extraordinary human beings and many fur and feather kin. Books, baths, and bed are my love language.
For 15 years, I've worked as an air quality scientist supporting communities adversely impacted by industry while helping develop air monitoring methods.
For almost a decade, I've continued to train as a ritualist and ancestral medium within afro-diaspora spiritual traditions. This work is held by layers of human, plant, earth, and elemental elders and ancestors who companion me. With their blessings and support, we co-weave 1:1 and group ritual containers and practice fields, inviting folks to connect with their ancestral ecosystems and elder wisdom fields. These ritual containers and practice fields center the open-sourced wisdoms of Black, Queer, Indigenous, and Womanist liberation theologies and ecologies.
On my little corner of the interwebs, I share some of the ancestral wisdoms that emerge as I continue to grow and transform as a human being. These ancestral wisdoms are rooted in the remembering that we are all woven into collective tapestries of ancestral ecosystems and ecologies. I hope these wisdoms support folks in remembering their place/belonging in these tapestries and that they have access to the vast layers of ancestral support that sustain their lives. I hope these insights inspire folks to remember that our journey towards collective liberation is part of our ancestral legacy as humans, that we all have our unique pieces to contribute in our lifetimes and beyond, and that we need the support of our ancestors and elders as we engage and craft pathways towards love and liberation.
Wishing you ire (blessings) and ease as you explore authentic pathways of connection & communion with the ancestral ecosystems and elder fields of wisdom that support your life.
Alaafia, It's so lovely to meet you.
Upcoming ritual containers & fields of practice:
Elder Wisdom 3/12/2024
4-6pm PST//7-9 PM EST
Interwebs~ Recording available for 2 weeks
Ancestral and Ecological Self-Study 2/11/24
1-2:30PM In-Person
#ase #ancestralwisdom #community #practice #ancestors #healing #liberation #love #together #hope #ancestralecosystems #elderwisdom #ancestralconnections #generativelifeways #ancestralassignment #ecologicalbeing #resource #support #lineage #kin #descendants #thickwithbelonging #ancestralveneration #curiosity #kinship #ritual #spell #remember #belonging