Asking for support and receiving support are not passive activities. This is true in the realms of Ancestors/Spirit
and in the realms of material and matter. I hold both/ all of these realms to be interdependent fields of possibility capable of eliciting layered responses to our requests for support.
Often when i ask for support, the deep lessons of receiving and integrating those layers of support unfold. These are some of the touch points I explore in my continued practices of learning how to receive and integrate support.
1. do i have capacity in my physical, spiritual and emotional landscape to receive the support I’m calling in?
2. Am i willing to engage with the changes that might be required to create the space/ conditions to welcome in and integrate this support?
3. Can i slow down and recognize when support emerges in ways i don’t anticipate? Am i willing to stay open to receive support that doesn’t center my comfort?
4. Am i willing to examine my investments in the stories, beliefs and conditions that keep me from being open to receiving support?
5. Remember asking for and receiving support are not passive activities.
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