let us be in the practice of gathering with the hopes of being gathered.
A field of practice opens tomorrow:
Elder Wisdom
🗓️Oct. 9th
⏳7-9pm EST
🪞via Zoom
🔗In bio// recording available
[ tan background and semi circle watermark. Quote reads: let us gather our dead, beloved
to re-weave pathways of belonging and accountability
let us gather our dead, beloved
to practice locating ourselves in ancestral ecosystems of love
let us gather our dead, beloved
to release the mythologies that dispossess us of these connections
let us gather our dead, beloved
to celebrate our interdependence
let us gather our dead, beloved
because we, too, are in deep need of gathering
in the spirit of reciprocity,
let us gather our dead, beloved]
#ase #egungun #connection #ancestors #practice #ancestralwisdom #ancestralconnection #learning #growing #trust #heart #medicines #love #ancestralassignment #ancestorswisdom
#trustyourheart #ancestralecosystems #ElderWisdom #embodylove #embodyliberation #ritual #gathering #fieldofpractice #descendantofradicalimagination #descendantbelovedkin #kin #reciprocity #interdependence #spell #poem