The intention of this practice is to inspire curiosity around connecting with ones own Ancestors.
Read moreEmbodied Presence Meditation
The intention of this practice is to inspire curiosity and exploration around what it means to come into embodied presence.
Read moreAncestral Armor Meditation
Unsplash: Khalid Alshehri
During this journey, you are invited to come into embodied presence as you call in the presence of your beloved guides and spiritual allies for protection & support. Tamira will hold ritual space for you to further initiate connection with your benevolent ancient ancestors and invite in their guidance as you explore aspects of your Being that may be hidden beneath the armor of ancestral wounding.
It may be supportive to find a quiet and comfortable place for this journey. Having a journal close by may also be supportive for recording your experience when the meditation ends.
Following the completion of the meditation, you are invited to contemplate and or journal using the reflection questions listed below.These questions are starting points meant to inspire reflection on your experience. Feel free to engage with the questions below only if they are supportive your integration process.
It may be supportive to listen the interview which accompanies the meditation here.
Reflection Questions
Made connection with your people?
How did these ancient and wise ones physically present themselves—in human form or other wise? What sensations that were present in the body and or what emotions were present while you were their presence? How did it feel to be seen by them and welcome in their support? How did it feel to vision or touch into the parts of your being that may be hidden beneath the armor of wounding? Are there particular wounds that you gained clarity around? Did you gain clarity around any armor you may be wearing in response to the wounding? How and where is the blessing that you may have invited in landing energetically and physically? How does your heart feel and are there any other pieces of this experience that seem important to note perhaps colors, symbols or landscapes?
Still aspiring to make connection?
How did your body feel during the experience? Were there bodily needs or sensations that were the focus of your attention? Did you feel safe during the experience? Were there competing thoughts or energy present which made it difficult to hold the intention for connection in your heart space? Were there energy centers or parts within the body that felt inaccessible or blocked? Was there perceived or felt resistance, fear, doubt or tension regarding making connection? Were there there colors, symbols or landscapes, ect. present? Invite reflection on this experience, noting all that was present for you without out judgment or stories.
It takes time and patience to re-wire these connections, keep showing up and leaning in because you were truly built for this.
Occupy Your Being Meditation
Deep gratitude for all of those that are diving deep into learning and living from a space of occupying all parts of their Being. This is deep medicine that I have been sitting with since returning from Ancestral Healing training. May you find connection and inspiration in this meditation.
This meditation available on the free Insight Timer meditation app here.