Exploring Ancestral Connection Meditation


The intention of this practice is to inspire curiosity around connecting with ones own Ancestors. Through this guided practice folks will be supported in cultivating a practice of grounding in their bodies and greeting their people.

It may be supportive to find a quiet and comfortable place for this practice. Having a journal close by may also be supportive for recording your experience when the meditation ends. The questions below are offered as starting points meant to inspire reflection on your experience. Feel free to engage with the questions below only if they are supportive your integration process.

If you’d like more support with practicing embodied presence click here to access an embodied presence meditation.

*Click the button belows to access the infographic & transcript that accompanies this meditation practice.

Photo: Tamiry Kudita


Reflection Questions

Unsplash Photo: Anomaly

  • How did your body feel during the experience?

  • Did you feel safe during the experience?

  • Were you able to connect with your breath as a resource?

  • What was present in your inner landscape? (i.e. were there specific colors, symbols, smells, sounds, sensations, landscapes?)

  • Did you observe spaces within you that already felt connected to your people, held a strong desire for connection or felt curious about ancestral connections?

  • How did it feel to greet your people and welcome their presence?

  • Did this style of practice resonate with you? If not, this is great information to be aware of moving forward.

  • What else was present for you during your experience? Reflect on this question without out judgment or stories.

Remember- Our Ancestral connection practices can be cultivated in simple ways. The practice of showing up with curiosity helps us to refine and shape our own authentic pathways of connection with our Ancestors.