The intention of this practice is to inspire curiosity and exploration around what it means to come into embodied presence. The simple yet challenging practice of coming home to presence in our bodies is the foundation of ancestral connection, healing and veneration practices.
It may be supportive to find a quiet and comfortable place for this practice. Having a journal close by may also be supportive for recording your experience when the meditation ends.
Following the completion of the meditation, you are invited to contemplate and or journal using the reflection questions listed below.These questions are starting points meant to inspire reflection on your experience. Feel free to engage with the questions below only if they are supportive your integration process.
*Access the transcript below.
Photo: Ezekixl Akinnewu
Reflection Questions
Photo: Jexo
Did you feel safe during your experience?
How did your body feel during & after your experience?
Were you able to connect with your breath as a resource?
Were there competing thoughts or energy present which made it difficult to feel present?
Did you notice spaces in your body that felt more supported by your practice? If so, how did that support feel?
Did you notice spaces in your body that felt blocked or inaccessible in your practice? If so, how did those blocks feel?
Were there any colors, symbols, images or landscapes, etc. present?
Did this style of embodied presence practice resonate with you? If not, this is great information to be aware of moving forward.
What else was present for you during your experience? Reflect on this question without out judgment or stories.